Therapy Space is a Child, Adolescent, and Parent Therapy Space set up in January 2016. It followed a long and rigorous training at the Institute for Arts in Therapy in Education London where I was able to learn from top international trainers and those eminent in the field of child psychotherapy and child mental health.
Before embarking on the journey of becoming a specialist child and adolescent therapist, I had an understanding of the power of the arts as an avenue to insight, but it wasn’t until I had my own children that I knew that I wanted to attempt to understand a struggling child using the arts specifically. In my children’s early years, I had so many questions and confusions about their behaviour that I couldn’t find answers for here in Jersey. It was then, that I began the training program in London and a two year infant observation research paper here in Jersey.
I had discovered that the arts were a magic way into the unconscious at fine art school in my early twenties, and once I began working with children I realised it was how children express their inner world (the unconscious). The games they create, the images they make and the stories they tell are all an expression of their inner world. It was then that I began to learn to work with this, the delicate interplay between therapist, the child and the image, finding the language and each particular approach for each unique child.
It is not a quick fix, working with a child or adolescent takes around 6 to 12 months, sometimes more, sometimes less. It’s a delicate building of a relationship with a child’s inner world and it requires time, patience and trust.
Today I have some trusted GPs who refer struggling families to me and families are beginning to hear about my work through word of mouth. My work is specialised, it’s a specific and unique approach that has proven results, but it is certainly not the only option. My work at Therapy Space takes time and is a commitment from both the family and myself, we work together until the child or young person is well again.