What is Child Therapy?


Child Psychotherapists have an in-depth training spanning 5-7years. This provides them with a significant background in child development and childhood disorders. They work with a range of approaches, from talking therapy to creative approaches.  Child psychotherapists are trained to carefully observe a child or young person and respond to what they might be communicating through their body language, behaviour or play.

They have particular skill in understanding, managing and working with complex and troubled feelings and situations. It is not necessary for children to talk in their sessions, child psychotherapists are trained to work with children through art and play if this is easier for a child or adolescent.

Child psychotherapy deals with a wide-range of issues from minor anxiety or social relationship difficulties to serious mental health problems such as depression, anxiety or schizophrenia or childhood disorders such as ASD and ADHD. We would thoroughly recommend that any child taking medication is also assessed for whether child psychotherapy would also be appropriate.